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Selasa, 12 November 2013

Love Text Messages

I still light up like a burning candle when u call me, i still melt down like a burning candle when u say u love me.Why didnt you tell me i had to hear it from someone else that you,ve got aids.a- abundant love,i-intelligence,d-divine sweetness,s-super natural love.may your aids be incurable.i love you.I asked God for a rose & he gave me a garden. I ask God for a drop of water & he gave me an

Short Love Text Messages

It takes 2 to tango, 2 to kiss, 2 to talk & remenisce, so many good things come in 2, & one of those things is me & u! I love so much my heart is sure. As time goes on I love you more, Your happy smile. Your loving face No1 will ever take your place. I have just eight words which I have for you. That is I love you.You Are My Blessing The gift wrapping is over The cards are gone Yet my heart

Short Love Quotes

Sending short love quotes to your loved one is best way to express your love. You can remember these short quotes very easily. Use the following best short love quotes to send to your loved one and express yourself with these powerful words.Love without reciprocation is the worst torture a human can experience. ----- Lauren The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of. -----Blaise Pascal

Break Up And Sad Love Quotes

We feel very sad, when the person we love breaks our heart. But we should take it positively. It doesn't stop our life. Life must go on and we should also. Deal with feelings of rejection bravely and be happy. Here are some of the best quotes on break up and love. These sad love quotes will help you forget you all your sad feelings and help you understand what you have experienced.

When one is

Love Teenage Quotes

Tomorrow is Saint Valentine�s day,All in the morning betime,And I a maid at your window,To be your Valentine. -----William ShakespeareTo the world, you may be one person; but to one person, you may be the world!Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop

Sweet Love Quotes page 6

Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other - it doesn't matter who it is - and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other. Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well. ----Vincent Van Gogh Friendship

Sweet Love Quotes Page 2

A man who was completely innocent, offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world. It was a perfect act. Oh, my luve�s like a red, red rose,That �s newly sprung in June;Oh, my luve�s like the melodieThat�s sweetly played in tune. To understand life, you need to know that there are only 2 certainties; The first is that everything

Sweet Love Quotes Page 3

wen d tym comes, il have to mit God.. & He will ask me wat i wnt 4 d nxt lyf..iL luk 4 u first & say.."pls ipkilala m po ako ulit s kanya ha..? Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage. ----Anonymous To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken, because the greatest

Sweet Love Quotes Page 5

Love the earth and sun and animals, Despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks, Stand up for the stupid and crazy, Devote your income and labor to others ... And your very flesh shall be a great poem. -----Walt Whitman What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. ----Ralph Waldo Emerson I have found men who didn't know how to kiss. I've

Sweet Love Quotes Page 7

The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies, With the dying sun. The mind has a thousand eyes, And the heart but one; Yet the light of a whole life dies, When love is done. ----Francis W. Bourdillon Love is the only kind of fire which is never covered by insurance. ---Unknown Love the heart that hurts you,But never hurt the heart that loves you. ----

Sweet Love Quotes Page 8

There is only one happiness in life,to love and be loved. ----George Sands Can miles truly separate you from friends...If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there? -----Richard Bach Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. ----Albert Einstein What greater thing is there for two human souls that to feel that they are joined... to strengthen each other... to be at

Sweet Love Quotes Page 1

Love is most beautiful gift to us by god. Love is everything. When we are in love, we forget everything. We can't imagine the life without love. If you are falling in love and looking for sweet quotes about falling in love , then you come to right place. In this page, I have collected some of the best Sweet love quotes. These very sweet love quotes can help you understand what is love and help

Number 1 Red Velvet Cake for Sebastian

Pesenan Chenny tahun lalu untuk ultahnya Sebastian
Request Red Velvet Cake
tapi maunya dibentuk angka 1 + tambahan figurine nya Seebastian & bear nya :)

Alhamdulillah, tahun ini order cake lagi untuk ultah ke 2 nya Sebastian.
Thank u Chenny

For order my cakes, please click here


Barney & Elmo and friends Birthday Cake for Bianca

 Ini pesenannya Widya Luhur tahun lalu untuk ultahnya Bianca.
Request figurine karakter kesukaannya "B".

ini cake nya...

Malemnya Widya laporan :
Malam mba, party nya dah selesai, and B suka sama kue nya.. 
Miniatur cartoon nya masih di simpan, walaupun big bird and elmonya patah kaki :p 
kuenya jg pada blg enak... Thanks mba

 Alhamdulillah... thank u Widya.

For order mya cakes, please click here


Games freak Cupcakes for Hanny

Pesenan Hanny tahun lalu untuk suaminya yang seneng maen games :D

Cerita Hanny :

Dear mbak Ria,thanks yaa kuenya bagus bgt..
kata suamiku: "ga tegaaaa makannya" hehe.. :)

Hehehe... Alhamdulillah. Makasih Hanny

For order Cupcakes, please click here


Clown Birthday Cake for Bhadra

Pesenan Dyah tahun lalu untuk Bhadra
request tema nya Clown
Badutnya minta naek otopet :)

Thank u Dyah

 For order my cakes, please click here


Engagement Cupcakes for Elen

Elen pesen cupcakes set untuk seserahan
dengan tema pengantin Sunda.
Alhamdulillah Elen suka dengan cupcakes nya.
Thank u Elen.

For order cupcakes, please click here


Red Velvet Cake for Heni Subekti

Order Red Velvet Cake from Heni Subekti.
Thank u 

For order Red Velvet Cake, please click here


Naughty Cake for Nuri

Masih orderan tahun lalu yang baru sempet di upload :D

Ini pesenan Nuri buat ultah suami tersayang.
*noty cake yg pesen kebanyakan ibu2 ... hehe
*yaiyalaaah... kalo pesen cake kayak gini musti ngelampirin KK ya di form order
iyaaa.... Kartu Keluarga :D
biar ga salah kirim ke suami orang... hihihi *serieeeuusss
*yg blom punya suami jg ga bole pesen yg kayak ginian #eaaaa

Lah kok ada motor masuk ke dalam kamar ???
hihihi.... iyaa... kata Nuri, itu motor kesayangan suaminya
motornya itu udah kayak istri ke dua ... hihihi... *yg punya blog lebay :D

Tulisan dibawah ini sebagai bukti cinta Nuri :D

Dan ini kamar yang berantakan...
Ayoo Nuriiiii.... segera beresin kamarnya, malu ditonton pemirsa tuh :D

Yang mau order cake bisa klik kesini dulu yaa


Birthday Cake for Adriel & Denzel

Pesenan Merry lagi untuk ultahnya Denzel.
tahun sebelumnya Merry pesen yang patchwork ini.
Thank u Merry

For order my cakes, please click here


Birthday Cake for Bagas

Ini pesenan Arum tahun lalu buat ultahnya Bagas yang pertama.
Beberapa minggu yang lalu Arum ikut kelas decorating cake with fondant :)
Seneng deh... sekarang Arum udah bisa bikin cake nya sendiri.
Congrats yaaa...

 Mau order cake juga?
untuk info nya klik disini aja ya


Baby Cupcakes for Puan

Puput pesen 100 box cupcakes ini buat baby Puan.
Thank u Put...

Cupcakes yang sudah masuk ke mika box tapi belom dipitain.

For order cupcakes, please click here


Red Velvet Cake with Mermaid for Daiva

Tahun lalu Dina pesen RVC + 50 box cupcakes untuk Daiva.
Requestnya ada Mermaid nya.
Ini RVC nya...
Foto cupcakes nya dah diubek2 ga ketemu :'(

Waktu abis anter kuenya, Dina email :

Mba makasih kuenya lucu bangetttt tp blom dicobain
coz acaranya baru jam 10 nanti xixixixi
Emank dimana mba rumah mba???
Kalo gt aku jd langganan mba aja degh xixixixi kan deket :p 
Kasih alamat dunk mba, kali aja bisa main ke rumah.. 
Makasih banyak ya mba Ria...

Ternyata.... rumah Dina ga jauh dari rumahku :D
Dan akhirnya... Dina be my cotinous customer *horrray Alhamdulillah

 Trus Dina email lagi :

Ya ampun mba tnyata kita dekat ya hahaha, temenku juga ada di daerah jembatan 1

Btw mba kuenya enak degh basah gt teksturnya, gak kelewat manis juga, apalagi creamnya, gak bikin eneg, kayak ada rasa kejunya. Dan fondantnya hmmm.. Berasa mint ya mba, biasanya aku gak doyan fondant tp yg kmrn aku makan juga xixixixi... Pokoknya aku dan kluarga suka banget. Makasih ya mba

Next aku mau pesen buat tgl 13 januari
Bentuknya ku tanya suamiku dl, coz dia yg ultah..

Makasih banyak ya mba...

Alhamdulillah.... thank u juga Dina

For order my cakes please click here


Bart Simpson Birthday Cake for Dimas

Kalo anak sendiri yang minta bikinin cake
ya mau ga mau musti dibuatin dong.
Masih tahun lalu, Lintang request cake buat Dimas :)

Anak ndiri kok ga modal yak?
buat ultah cowo nya, mana sekalian anniversary nya..
eeeeh emaknya yang disuruh bikinin ;p

 Mau order cake ?


Ladybug Birthday Cake for Naima

Alhamdulillah... Helen pesen cake lagi buat Naima.
Desember tahun lalu Helen request cake seperti ini,
cake nya simple tapi cantik.
Aku jadi excited bikinnya :)

Thanks Helen for continuous order my cakes.

For order my cakes please click here


Thomas Train, Superman & Aeroplane Bday Cake for Rasheed

Ini  pesenan Fitri, Desember 2010.
Request cake ada Thomas nya... ada Superman nya..
dan ada pesawat nya.
*trus tukang kue nya kebingungan gimana memadukan ke 3 request tsb :D
Yaa.... akhirnya mati gaya, jadinya seperti ini ..hehe

 Dapet email dari Fitri :

Sdh diterima,thx bgt ya,anak saya suka bgt! 
Yg ada kayaknya rusak bentar lg,
soalnya superman,pesawat dan kereta api nya udah mau dicopot aja ama dia :(
moga2 aja bertahan ampe besok ya.. 
Mudah2an semuanya pada suka besok :) thx ya mbak..

Alhamdulillah... Fitri & Rasheed suka sama kuenya.
Thanks yaa

For order my cakes, click here

